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Our teachers need to be able to identify all students involved when one or more students plagiarize the work of another student in the school.

Our teachers are happy with the plagiarism control feature of ItsLearning, but there is one shortcoming we have identified. When one student plagiarizes another student in the school, teachers see the report and know the work is plagiarized. However, ItsLearning does not identify the user who originally submitted the work.  According to an official ItsLearning help document, "If the system finds matches within the customer’s own database, it does not show a link to the source document or provide other information that can identify the original author."  We find this problematic because it would help the teacher resolve the incident and move forward if we knew all parties involved and whether or not a student was aware that his/her work was being copied.  Please consider this modification to the plagiarism control feature.  Thanks!

  • Guest
  • Nov 14 2017
  • Released
Country US
Category Grading and assessment
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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      May 30, 2022 14:23

      In the newest version of our plagiarism tool you can see who wrote the "original", granted that the customer (usually school district or similar) has approved we send student names to the plagiarism service.

      The itslearning Product team

    • Guest commented
      November 14, 2017 19:44

      I agree! This would also help with students who upload their document more than once and the Plagiarism feature identifying the writing as being plagiarized even though it was theirs.