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Allow update of files

I would like to update files in the ressources, when I work on them offline. This is related to the idea of Steve Sliwinski ("Please enable files to be edited in Word/ Excel/ PPT etc NOT only online", Nov 3 2017) but is more general. I want to be able to re-upload any file of any type so that the new version replaces the old everywhere it is used. AFAIK Moodle has this functionality...

  • Guest
  • Nov 15 2017
  • Released
Country DE
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 26, 2020 10:32

    The support for "Open in desktop app" is definitely no solution for me. For several reasons I give my students mostly PDFs and want to be able to update those. I would think the update function is rather straight forward to implement.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    October 30, 2019 12:14


    great to see a lot of recent engagement in this idea. For the most used file types in itslearning, Office Online resources, we’re planning on adding support for ‘Open in desktop app’, making it possible for you to use the full Word/Excel/PowerPoint features and auto-update files from desktop to itslearning.

    Please let know if this will overlap with most of the scenarios where you need to update files (we’re currently not planning on re-introducing the former and generic ‘Upload new version’).

    Please also see