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Please enable files to be edited in Word/ Excel/ PPT etc NOT only online

Hi, can you PLEASE have a function where the user can edit the file by opening it in the original program it was created in. The current solution for editing it online doesn't allow for users to access all of the functions. This was a feature that was removed after the update. This would be GREATLY appreciated and save a lot of frustration for a lot of people. 

  • Guest
  • Nov 3 2017
  • Planned
Country NO
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      October 30, 2019 14:07

      We have currently, since the time I wrote this message TWO YEARS AGO, stopped using Itslearning as our online learning platform, because of such shortcomings in the software. Good luck.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      October 30, 2019 10:48

      We’re looking into the option of supporting ‘open in desktop app’ for Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.

    • Guest commented
      November 15, 2017 08:47

      I endorse this idea in principle, but prefer an even more general approach. See my idea "Allow update of files".

    • Andrew Holden commented
      November 07, 2017 13:38

      Yes, if you use Word Online with your 365 account you get the 'Edit in Word' button. We need this in itslearning!

    • Guest commented
      November 05, 2017 12:43

      Enig. Når jeg vurderer besvarelser er jeg avhengig av funksjonen "spor endringer" som ikke finnes i online-versjonen av word. Da gjør ikke denne oppdateringa, etter min mening, det noe enklere å redigere dokumenter. Jeg må laste ned, mellomlagre og laste opp igjen. Da foretrekker jeg å bruke andre løsninger, f.eks. officepakka og deling av dokumenter/teams. Her har dere litt å gå på ITL.