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Kolomtitels in Beoordelingsoverzicht in beeld houden bij scrollen door deelnemerslijst
Via Rapport - Beoordelingsrapport zie je de lijst met studenten en diverse kolommen met opdrachten en toetsen. De rij met Instellingen en met de Opdrachten en Toetsen verdwijnt uit beeld wanneer je door de lijst met studenten heen scrollt.
We zouden graag zien dat deze gegevens in beeld blijven en alleen de rijen met studenten mee scrollt.
Through Report - Assessment Report you see the list of students and several columns with assignments and tests. The row with Settings and with Assignments and Tests disappears from view when you scroll through the list of students.
We would like these details to remain in view and only the rows with students to scroll along.
Country | NL |
Category | Grading and assessment |
Thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to share your suggestion regarding the "Through Report - Assessment Report." We understand the value of having the settings and assignment/test details remain visible while scrolling through the list of students.
At this time, we are not planning any development in this area, and unfortunately, we cannot prioritize this work in the near term. However, we will keep your suggestion documented for future consideration as we evaluate potential updates to this feature.
Thanks, the itslearning Product team