Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.
Unsere Kolleg:innen benutzen meist mobile Endgeräte um die Anwesenheit zu führen. Der Weg zur Anwesenheit über die App und dann die Auswahl der Art der Anwesenheit über das Drop-Down Menü ist alles andere als benutzerfreundlich. Hier wäre noch Verbesserungspotenzial evtl. durch eine Swipe Funktion und eine direkte Verlinkung in Status/Nachbereitung.
Our colleagues mostly use mobile devices to manage attendance. Going into attendance via the app and then selecting the type of attendance from the drop-down menu is far from user-friendly. There would still be potential for improvement here, perhaps through a swipe function and a direct link in status/follow-up.
Country | DE |
Category | Mobile app |
Thanks for the idea. We will share it with the relevant teams. We will keep the suggestion on the ideas portal to see if it gets more ‘up votes’. This helps us understand which ideas are most popular.
Thanks, the itslearning Product Team