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Make visible the self-assement and peer to peer assesment

Please make the self-assessment and peer-to-peer assessment of students visible in an overview, e.g. in the progress report or the 360 ​​degree reports
  • Reinier de Bruin
  • Nov 18 2021
  • Not selected for implementation
Country NL
Category Grading and assessment
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Arnold Maatman commented
      October 03, 2022 17:15

      Heel fijn, nu is de zelfbeoordeling weg nadat de docent de beoordeling heeft gedaan

      Very nice, now the self-assessment is gone after the teacher has done the assessment

    • Jasper van Leeuwen commented
      December 21, 2021 14:05


    • Jasper van Leeuwen commented
      December 21, 2021 14:05


    • L. Weller commented
      December 20, 2021 10:17

      Ja heel graag

    • Guest commented
      December 09, 2021 18:40

      heel graag

    • Guest commented
      December 09, 2021 15:26

      it’s a great idea

    • Guest commented
      December 03, 2021 21:49


    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      December 02, 2021 07:51

      Thanks for elaborating and making it clear. This is currently not something we consider, but we'll leave the idea open for voting to understand the need.

      The itslearning Product Team

    • Reinier de Bruin commented
      December 01, 2021 17:27

      Can you make this idea visible for other users?

    • Reinier de Bruin commented
      November 25, 2021 16:37

      Thanks for the question.
      We would like to see the grade of the self-assessment and peer feedback reflected in the status and follow-up.
      You can then use categories give the numbers a place

      Met vriendelijke groet,

      R.A. (Reinier) de Bruin

      Docent Economie en Ondernemen

      Secretaris Examencommissie

      Innovator onderwijs & ICT


      Anklaarseweg 71 - 7316 MB Apeldoorn - 055-5262300

      Van: itslearning <>
      Verzonden: maandag 22 november 2021 8:42
      Aan: R.A. de Bruin
      Onderwerp: Product Team responded to idea ITSL-I-4131 Make visible the self-assement and peer to peer assesment

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 22, 2021 07:41

      Thank you for your idea. Could you elaborate on it? What exactly from the self- and/or peer assessment would you like to see in the report? The grade of the assessment? If so, how does it related to the grade a teacher can also still give to these activities?


      the itslearning Product team