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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-2917 Option to disable auto-logout.

The ability to increase or decrease log out time for users Merged


I can well understand that the developers have started to think more about the safety of the users and take the initiative by introducing the function that you are logged by itslearning after a given time.

But in order for it to be more receptive to us (the customers), it would be much more accepted and receptive if we could control how long it takes before our user is logged out of the system.

It is important for us (system owners) that we feel that we have control over our system and that it is flexible.
Kind regards

Wassim Noureddine

Clavis sprog & kompetence

  • Guest
  • Nov 20 2020
  • Released
Country DK
Category Messages and notifications