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Randomize answer choices in a test

Currently, questions can be randomized but not answer choices. It would be very helpful to be able to randomize both the questions and the answer choices (for matching or multiple choice) in order to discourage cheating and to encourage knowledge of the content (not just memorization of the letter).

  • Angela Burgess
  • Jan 6 2016
  • Released
Country US
Category Grading and assessment
  • Jan 16, 2018

    Admin response


    This is a great idea and definitely something that we want to develop. We have been working on a new mobile friendly shareable test tool for a while now, and randomized questions and answer choices will be part of the new test tool. We also want it to be easier to create tests and to share them with colleagues in the Library. Today it is way too little reuse of all the good content that are being developed by teachers using itslearning.

    It is also important that the new test tool will work just as well on mobile devices as on desktops. This will facilitate e.g. mobile learning and flipped classroom in a brilliant way.  Since we always put quality in front of delivery dates, I cannot announce a date for the new shareable test tool now. Please follow our roadmap and release notes for future enhancements of itslearning. 

    Best regards


    Product Manager 

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    27 Oct, 2021 07:47am

    The new test tool is now available for all, and randomising of alternatives is available.

    The itslearning Product team

  • Angela Burgess commented
    18 Sep, 2020 04:42pm

    It looks like this has been "in the works" since 2016. Will it ever be added or is it now "Not chosen for implementation"?

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    16 Jan, 2018 10:26am


    just wanted to mention that the roadmap for 2018 is updated.

    You can follow the estimated release date for the new test tool and other features here:

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    4 Dec, 2017 12:30pm

    Yes, I’ve got good news: “randomized answer choices” is available in the new test tool :-) However, I also got bad news (sorry), the new test tool is not yet available for existing itslearning users…the GAP with the existing test tool is still too big.

    Our test tool is a well-liked and much used tool. It is however ready for a facelift, and we’ve put down a lot of work, over a long time, to make it sharable in the Library and mobile friendly. It is already available for new customers, and will be default for new customers as soon as we have important features like QTI import and TMB capabilities in place.

    The next goal is to replace the current tool for all our users, with a full feature set and a few extras that we have added based on user input. We'll keep your old tests functional, with an option to migrate them to the new tool.

    In 2018 you will also see item banks in itslearning for the first time, and we are excited to give this valuable addition to an already popular tool.


  • Guest commented
    2 Dec, 2017 03:36pm

    Some good news  since 2016 or idea thrown in the trash ?

  • Wes Foshee commented
    24 Aug, 2017 01:54am

    Hard to believe this is not already a feature... all other products allow randomized MC choices!  This is almost a show-stopper folks.  :(

  • Laurent Thréhout commented
    22 Jan, 2017 09:23am


    Could we have some news about this topic ? It would be great...


  • Guest commented
    6 Jan, 2016 08:38pm

    This is definitely a feature that should be added. 

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