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Correct test question by question instead of student by student

It would be much less time consuming and allow teachers to be more consistent if they could correct one questions for all students at the same time, then go on to the next question, etc.  For example, question 10 is open response and worth 5 points, teacher sees answer and awards points on all Question 10 answers then moves on to Question 11 etc.

  • Jennifer Holmes
  • Mar 14 2016
  • Released
Country US
Category Grading and assessment
  • Nov 17, 2016

    Admin response


    This is a great idea that we hear from time to time, especially valid when correcting long free text answers.  Our product owner for the new test tool has been aware of this need for quite a while, but we have not been able to prioritize it due to so many other things that needs to happen with the new test tool. We will not forget you request, and we will consider it in our work with the test tool. 

    Please follow our roadmap for the latest statuses on coming features:

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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      October 28, 2022 07:51

      After rewriting the test tool and now also the assessment page, it is now possible for teachers to assess question by question.

      The itslearning Product team

    • preetika agnihotri commented
      August 27, 2022 05:52

      yes it will be very helpful and can be great time saver.

    • preetika agnihotri commented
      August 27, 2022 05:51

      yes will be really very helpful for teachers and can be a great time saver.

    • Silvan Floor commented
      November 24, 2021 14:43

      Is there any sign that this will be implemented in the near future?

    • Kai Mueller commented
      April 20, 2021 14:08 provides a good tool for testing. Maybe you can draw inspiration from there?

    • Kai Mueller commented
      March 19, 2021 15:38

      What‘s the current status on this?

    • Carrie Paulson commented
      March 28, 2020 00:30

      Its been four YEARS, any idea when this is going to happen?

    • Andrea Winters commented
      April 16, 2018 15:38

      I have several customers asking for this as well! 

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      January 16, 2018 10:27


      just wanted to mention that the roadmap for 2018 is updated.

      You can follow the estimated release date for the new test tool and other features here:

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      September 05, 2017 20:48

      Hi, we have this planned for the new shareable test tool that we´re working on. Not sure it´ll make it in the first version though. The GAP between the present and the new test tool is for the moment to big in order to for us to release the new test tool to all you existing customer/user, but when time comes you´ll of course be the first to know :-)  

    • Guest commented
      October 12, 2016 21:49

      I would love to see this feature!

    • Guest commented
      July 12, 2016 20:29


    • Guest commented
      May 09, 2016 07:29

      I would like to update my comment from April. Rather than vertically, answers should be displayed in a horizontal row. Each answer could for example occupy one-third of the screen width. Especially long answers could be read by scrolling down. Marks are given by clicking once on a vertical "point-ruler" situated beside the middle and active answer. The pointruler adapts to max point for question; a six points question would correspond to a 0-6 ruler, clicking in the middle would assign 3 points, etc... When graded, all questions shift automatically one position to the left, so that middle and active answer is now the next student in line. This design would save time and, as other users comment, improve marking consistency and quality.

    • Bryan Bennett commented
      May 06, 2016 16:51

      This would be a *huge* time saver and would improve consistency of grading.

    • Guest commented
      April 19, 2016 12:46

      I agree wholeheartedly with this suggestinos for three reasons:

      1. Question-by-question marking makes it easier to grade questions consistently and correctly
      2. If multiple answers are available in an array on a single page it will make marking much faster and eliminate mouse-clicks.
      3. If using a click-ruler for each answer in an array/table of answers, grading questions could become a breeze. For the last example I have made a screenshot-sketch (attached).
    • +123