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view as Student

It might be a good idea to move the view as teacher-student-guest switch to the sidebar on the left hand.

When you're editing the planner and you want to view the planner as an student you first have to go back to the course dashboard before you can toggle the switch. It would be more practical to be able to switch from the sidebar because it is always visible.


see the image I included, ofcourse the view as menu should be collapsed in my image.

  • Guest
  • Dec 16 2015
  • Released
  • Oct 26, 2016

    Admin response


    after the back to school update this autumn the student view and the teacher view are so alike that there should be no need for the old teacher-student-guest switch. Please have a look at the attached example from the course overview page. Teachers have post and edit rights that students don't have. Students have a Task menu and teachers a Follow-up tasks menu. The rest of the two views are alike.  

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    • Lisa Bartel commented
      June 29, 2021 08:40

      The amount of extra clicks teachers are making toggling between teacher and student view is astounding. We need it to remain exactly where we were (instead of getting kicked back to the course overview page) when testing out changes. This deters teachers from testing out what they are producing, at the detriment of the students.

    • Pontus Juth commented
      December 14, 2018 13:17

      I really like that this idea has been impemented and it is a feature I use frequently! It would be even awesome-er if I did not get sent back to the course overview page when I change view. So here is an idea for improvement: Stay at same element when changing who you view as.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      July 09, 2018 13:45

      Hi Elly,

      Thanks for reaching out. Happy to add you to the pilot. Please reach out to your itslearning key account manager / contact person and ask him/her to follow it up. Include a link to our chat here on the ideas portal for confirmation.

      Wish you a great summer 😊

    • Elly Kort commented
      July 09, 2018 09:26

      Hello Henning, could we also be part of the pilot? Elly Kort at RSG Lingecollege, Tiel, the Netherlands

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      July 09, 2018 08:41

      Hi Wouter,

      I’ve checked with our Product Owner for the “View your course as a student” and he’s more than happy to add you to the Pilot program.

      Please reach out to your itslearning key account manager / contact person and ask him/her to follow it up. Include a link to our chat here on the ideas portal for confirmation.

      Wish you a great summer 😊

    • Guest commented
      July 06, 2018 12:54

      Dear Henning, could we be part of the pilot? Veluws College Walterbosch from Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. Best regards, Wouter Penris - ICT coördinator.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      July 06, 2018 12:29

      As a teacher, have you ever wondered what your course looks like for your students? 😉

      I know you have, and I hope you’ll be happy to hear that “View your course as a student” is planned for back to school.

      What else is coming for back to school?

      You’ll find videos, webinar recording and more about what’s coming for back to school here:

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      March 11, 2018 16:56

      Thank you all for engaging yourself in bringing back the “view as student”. We always try to get things right, but sometimes, despite good intentions and usability testing we recognize that things could have been done differently…So, based on feedback from all off you we’re now about to start piloting a “view as student” feature. We’re starting with a few pilot customers, but will expand with more customers after a while.

      Too early to say when “view as student” will be available for all customers, but as soon as I know I’ll let you know :-)

    • Bryan Bennett commented
      May 06, 2016 16:33

      Is this coming back in the new interface?

    • Daniel Nuttall commented
      May 04, 2016 11:57

      Also a view as group may be a good idea as many of our courses have group permissions?

    • +1