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Please keep the old planner as an option - pitfalls by new planner

I have now seen the new planner several times. It has many shortcomings that do not make it generally applicable. Has it been user tested at university level? Not all teaching can be visualized as "Morning newspapers"!

It is important that you keep the old planner. Table view is important.

If the new planner should make sense, it must be possible to see all plans at the same time. Not just past, present and without dates. At the university level, it is important that students can see the plans for an entire course at the same time. Students at universities must also be able to follow their own plan and have the full overview via the planner. To view all plans at the same time is therefore still required.

It is also not appropriate for all plans to have a picture. It must be possible to hide the placeholder for images. Images say more than 1000 words, but pictures must also make sense and should not just be eye-catching! The images can also be disturbing if they do not say anything relevant about the topic or it can be disturbing if they can not be decoded by the user.

In addition, the new planner has introduced too many clicks to get access to activities and resources.

  • Søren Sten Hansen
  • Jun 7 2021
Country DK
Category Scheduling & planning
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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      June 07, 2021 14:15

      Hi. You will be able to use either planner through the first term of the next adacemic year. There are more changes coming to new planner and all feedback is reviewed. The product team.