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Upload and dowload multiple files

When I finish a course I would sometimes want to back up all files from the course. It would therefore be nice if it ere possible to export an entire folder with subfolders to a zip-file. I'm sure a lot of my students would also like to have this oppertunity.

In the beginning of a course I often want to upload a lot of files and it would be nice if I could just zip a folder on my laptop and then upload it to IL were it would unzip automatically. 

  • Mikkel Petersen
  • Mar 10 2016
Country DK
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Tanja Bergqvist commented
      September 25, 2021 10:11

      Much agreed. Functionality asked for above would not only be useful on completion of a course, but also as the course progress. File management is time consuming and difficult to keep track of for students.

    • Mark Schiedon commented
      June 06, 2019 09:09

      Especially for Fronter customers going on to F19 or itslearning this would be very handy. In Fronter the download option "Resource folder content export with structure" is available. Now they have to unzip first before being able to upload the folder to itslearning. When itslearning would give this option that would take away part of the process.