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Download entire course Resources directory

I would consider this an essential feature. Selecting each file separately, having it opened in browser, and having download button placement depend on file extension, is absolutely mental. It easily takes me an hour even for relatively small courses.

Searching around here reveals it has been requested multiple times since back in 2016 yet is still not available.

  • Guest
  • Sep 1 2021
  • Released
Country DK
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      January 13, 2023 17:15

      This is a key feature! Please add it!

    • Guest commented
      November 20, 2022 13:39

      PLEASE DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Guest commented
      November 20, 2022 13:37

      lease do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Sam Brands commented
      September 18, 2022 13:31

      This should really be implemented. It's a pain to download everything from a single folder, let alone when there are a ton of folders you need to download. Just generate a ZIP file that you can download?

      The fact that I'm writing this on a SUNDAY should give you an idea of how frustrating it is to manually download every single file.

    • Maren Gasenzer commented
      September 12, 2022 04:31

      an absolute Must!

      Takes Ages to organize and load up the Ressources!

    • Minna Kuusipalo commented
      April 21, 2022 00:39

      Absolutely, make your developers do their work properly and stop them designing a new test tool which is much worse then the old one! This new version of the test-tool is so bad and lacks all the essential features.

      I have around 130 tests to update to the new tool, as well as all the formulas etc. which are lost during the downloading. Sometimes 95% of the questions are lost during the process.

    • İlker Berkman commented
      March 02, 2022 10:15

      This feature can be presented as a "download manager" where any user can select from the downloadable content. I need to archive some student submissions for legal/administrative purposes. For example, student submit 3 different files for an assignment, where only one of them is required to be downloaded.
      I would like to selecting the files to be downloaded for each assignment of each student manually, which is then downloaded as a zip file with subfolders named as student names/IDs, or a filename prefix identifying the students.

      Using the manager, I should eb able to

      1) select a single file (or all files as it is now) in a student's submission to an assignment
      2) select some students among the others and select among their files (or all of their files
      3) select an assignment among the assignments of a course
      4) select all assignments (which is identical to download entire Resources directory)

      The interface might be complex for such a function.
      I think that adding a "mark for later downoad" option to current interfaces would make it easier.

      So when I mark some files for download and then go to my download manager, I will see them there ready to be downloaded. Same way, I can mark a student's submission or the complete assignment. When I go to my download manager, I will see a tree of items to be downloaded. All I need to do is click "download these" and get the zip file for the entire course.

      The download manager can also be connected to a cloud service, so the selected files are written to users' shared cloud folder, maintaining the directory structure.

      Unfortunately, your current file compression function also does not work very ell with the large files, so I need to make groups of 3-5 students to download their submissions when the files sizes are too large to be zipped. This is another issue to be improved, but the download manager can also be helpful for this, too.

    • Guest commented
      January 25, 2022 14:33

      100% in agreement. Dozens of courses for some of us, with hundreds of files.

    • Erik commented
      January 17, 2022 14:42

      Bumping this post as I'm surprised this has not been resolved yet. This absolutely needs to be integrated and should be of top priority!

      In several courses, we have teachers posting large amounts of files which needs to be downloaded. Having to go through each and every file to download them is time-consuming and highly inefficient as a student.

      So please bring this up with developers so we can be saved from this agony! Thanks.

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2021 11:55

      I absolutely agree too.

    • Malik J.R. commented
      September 28, 2021 19:54
      Absolutely agree. On behalf of JT at UCL; this needs to be a top priority.
    • Guest commented
      September 10, 2021 14:51

      I have recently had feedback from learners who are disappointed that they can't download all course materials like this, and that they cannot download their own answers to surveys and quizzes to keep for their own records.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      September 06, 2021 10:51

      Hi, thanks for your input. I merged an old idea with this, I'll see if there are others too that should go into it.
      We currently don't have this feature in our plans, but we'll leave it here for voting and see if we should take it into consideration when planning future improvements.

      The itslearning Product team

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