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  1. As we review all ideas it may take some time before they appear. Unfortunately we cannot comment on all ideas.
  2. Please search for your idea first and vote for it! Do not create new suggestions if they already exist. It reduces your influence.
  3. Unclear or inappropriate suggestions are removed. We may combine your ideas with similar ideas.
  4. We only use the information you share for the purposes of improving itslearning. We want to keep the ideas portal dynamic and relevant, to do this we remove older suggestions.
    • Ideas that have no public engagement after three years, that were not selected for development, are removed.
    • Ideas older than three years and not selected for implementation are removed.
    • Ideas can be resubmitted at any time.

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Discussion Forum: Tree Links

We need the discussion forum to use the text editor and especially the tree link function to refer to resources located in several courses across the our page/site.

We know that the forum is not the first choice development area, but is the only way to handle high frequencies of news instead of the message board (no layouting, no sorting, not categories, no cross-course-referencing) and the change needed should be fairly easy to do:

The way the tree link function allows the user to add a tree link to a forum post (first choose course, then folder levels indicated by +/++/+++ file name) needs to be changed.

Any regular explorer/folder, if not a searchable interface, ideally there would also be a short cut to recently added resources.

A good start would be anything different than the ++/++++. Maybe colour-coding, or simply the naviagation/tree structure used everywhere else the resources are being used. Alternatively the possibility to have reliable urls to any given itslearning-item would solve our problem.

Please share your opionions, ideas, solutions in the comment section below!

Best from Berlin,


  • Sandra Schmidt
  • Mar 14 2019
  • Released
Country DE
Category Access and navigation
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      April 14, 2020 10:53

      The video on our YouTube channel with many other helpful videos too:

    • Markus Pech commented
      April 08, 2020 15:57

      Is that video still available? Thanks!

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2019 19:51

      I was soooo happy when I came back after the summer break and this change had been implemented! Thank you so much! Why did we lose the option to cross-course reference though? 

      Best, S.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      September 27, 2019 22:51

      Hi Sandra,

      Support for tree links in discussions was added this summer, please have a look at the release notes and this short video for more info.

      The tree link icon in the rich-text-editor in Pages, Assignments and the Calendar (course events) will be available in the next itslearning release/update, currently targeting early November.