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Full Note editor for Pages

It would be helpful to have a full note editor on pages.  Teachers can add tree links to pages, their personalized videos, audio recordings, and much more.  This would allow students to be able to go to a page and see everything they need for a lesson or unit.  A page is one of the more dynamic pieces in itslearning and this would enhance it.

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2016
  • Released
Country US
Category Content creation and management
  • Mar 1, 2016

    Admin response


    We’re working to make our text editor consistent throughout itslearning and this will also bring audio and video recordings to the Page tool. We’ll release this soon, most likely during Q1. At this stage this will not include tree menu links, but we are evaluating the embedding of itslearning content in the RTE.

    This release will overlap to a large extend with your idea. I think you’ll like it when you get it (I sure like what I have seen so far).



    It is quite right as @Bryan is pointing out. We have done several enhancements to the rich-text editor in the latest itslearning release. For example, it is now much easier to add third-party content, such as YouTube videos. We are now using the same rich-text editor all over itslearning.

    Please have a look at the release notes for more information:

    Best regards


    Product Manager

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  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    27 Sep, 2019 11:14pm

    The tree link icon in the rich-text-editor in Pages, Assignments and the Calendar (course events) will be available in the next itslearning release/update.

    Over the summer we added support for tree links in Discussion and a couple of other places, we also brushed up the UI and limited tree links to only be used between resources within the same course. Reason was that it caused a bad experience for students when it was linked to courses they’re not participating in. Please note that tree links still works fine for courses created/copied from template/master courses.

  • Bryan Bennett commented
    26 Feb, 2016 05:12pm

    To Jwlutgendorff and Nicholas Williams-- Yes, the text editor has been updated (in the last 2 weeks) to now be consistent throughout itslearning! It looks like they are exploring options for tree links or embedding content in the text editor when using pages, but everything else is now there, in every RTE in itslearning. Great input!

  • Guest commented
    16 Feb, 2016 02:00pm

    Will the full note editor also be available at the course dashboard elements?