Share your ideas!

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Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.

  1. As we review all ideas it may take some time before they appear. Unfortunately we cannot comment on all ideas.
  2. Please search for your idea first and vote for it! Do not create new suggestions if they already exist. It reduces your influence.
  3. Unclear or inappropriate suggestions are removed. We may combine your ideas with similar ideas.
  4. We only use the information you share for the purposes of improving itslearning. We want to keep the ideas portal dynamic and relevant, to do this we remove older suggestions.
    • Ideas that have no public engagement after three years, that were not selected for development, are removed.
    • Ideas older than three years and not selected for implementation are removed.
    • Ideas can be resubmitted at any time.

Privacy Policy

Permalinks for quickly sharing resources

Teachers desperately need a way to redirect students to a content. It is necessary to send a group message reminding an assignment, or announcing a newly added video. In this case, it is required to share a link for the content in a message (either on Itslearning or another platform, e.g. MS Teams). Currently, I do that by right-clicking and copying the links on the menu at the left panel of Resources section, which is quite old fashioned. Furthermore, the URL becomes useless when its deadline expires or it is deactivated.

A URL processing engine might be very helpful for this purpose. The Tree Link function can be expanded to request login for valid links, warn users about expired links and show alternatives (e.g. the course homepage or other parent objects) if a link is unavailable. A share option added to each content would be employed to generate these permalinks. Furthermore, users may determine what happens when the link is unavailable, while they are creating a link.

  • İlker Berkman
  • Mar 2 2022
  • Not selected for implementation
Country TR
Category Content creation and management
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    • Björn Lewin commented
      March 11, 2022 12:41

      What's the problem with copying the URL - other than it is "Old fashioned"?
      If the url becomes useless when the material is deactivated - don't deactivate it then. "Teachers desperately need..." - there IS a way - it may not look sleak but there is a way.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      March 10, 2022 12:47

      Hi. Thanks for the idea. We have reviewed this idea and can confirm it is not part of our current development plans. If more people suggest a similar idea then we will review this again.
      Thanks, the itslearning Product Team.