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Bringing over all the links when coping/duplicating a course.

I have created a course with content in order to share with several schools.  When I copy the course, the links direct you back to the original course, therefore for the new users, access is denied. My only way of correcting this is to remake all the links for each new course.

I'm not sure of the benefit of cloning courses, if the content doesn't copy correctly.   I am now faced with copying a course 30 times and then remaking all the links....

Is there any way of fixing this please (or a different way of duplicating whole courses?)

Thank you!

  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2018
  • Planned
Country UK
Category Content creation and management
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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      September 27, 2019 22:25

      Linking from one course resource to another using tree links in the rich-text-editor works fine when you duplicate a course / create a course based on a course template. If it does not work for you, please reach out to your itslearning support person for help.

      Please note that the following “creative” way of linking between course resources will not work when inherited from a template/master course: 1) right-clicking on resource “A” in the Resources section, 2) copying the link location and 3) pasting the link in resource “B”.

      Instead of linking between course resources you might want to consider linking to each of your resources from the Planer or creating a Learning Paths with your resources.

      Can’t you see the tree link icon in the rich-text-editor in Pages, Assignments and the Calendar (course events)? Well, rather can I. Reason is that we run into some trouble when we recently released it; good news is that we’ve a fix ready. We’ll include the fix in the next itslearning release, target early November.

      What are tree links and how do they work?

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      June 04, 2019 09:24

      Hi, I presume it's because of the tree links. If yes, we're working on a fix for this that will be released over the summer. Please see:

      If it's not the tree links, please let me know :-)