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Please add the TREE LINK function in RICH CONTENT BLOCK in the PAGES resource!

Pages is a fantastic functionality allowing teachers to put curriculum content on It's Learning in a new way. It would be even better if we could link this content to assignments, tests, surveys, etc. found other places on the local site. This way we can extend the learning process to assessment and feedback.

  • Guest
  • Apr 1 2016
  • Planned
Country NO
Category Curriculum management
  • Nov 24, 2019

    Admin response

    Update: it's included in the December release (please see my comments below)



    This is a well-founded request that we hear from time to time, and one that we would really like to solve. Three menu links are not available in the page resource because they don’t work in the library (as you probably know, pages can be shared (or created) in the library). It’s a rather “though nut to crack”, and something that we would like to fix. I can’t promise you if and/or when we’ll have a solution for this. An alternative (but not the same – I know), could be to use the planner. Here you can use three menu links and link directly to elements.

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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 24, 2019 22:44

      Early November became early December, just in time for Xmas in other words :-)

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      September 27, 2019 15:18

      Can’t you see tree links in Pages? Well, rather can I. Reason is that we run into some trouble when we released it; good news is that we’ve a fix ready. We’ll include support for tree links in course resources that can be shared in the Library, e.g. Pages and Assignments, in the next itslearning release, target early November.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      August 26, 2019 14:50
    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      June 04, 2019 09:12

      Hi again, quick update: currently we're aiming the August release, so I hope we'll have this in place for the new school year.

    • Jan-Peter Braun commented
      April 28, 2019 09:22

      Hi Henning, this is a really good news. Greetings from Germany.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      April 12, 2019 16:08

      Hi, we're now extending the tools that allow tree links with our Page, Assignment and new Test tool. And while we're at it, we're giving it all a modern look and feel. We're aiming for a release during the summer. 

    • Guest commented
      March 08, 2018 10:49

      I log this customer's request for the same functionality "tree link menu" on a rich content block in a page : 

      Thank you for following,

    • Nadia Gillard commented
      May 02, 2016 13:18

      Le lien vers l'arborescence pourrait être actif par défaut avec un message d'alerte sur la non pérennité de celui-ci en cas de partage du cours en tant que modèle.

    • Nadia Gillard commented
      May 02, 2016 13:08

      La communication de la dernière mise à jour évoquait le contenu riche dans tout l'ENT, toutes ressources : tableau de bord, remarque et page.
      Il existe effectivement un moyen de faire des liens vers l'arborescence (à l'aide des actualités) mais ce n'est pas satisfaisant, car trop de manipulations sont nécessaires.

      Le LIEN VERS L'ARBORESCENCE dans la PAGE est très attendue par les utilisateurs du primaire.