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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-387 Teacher comments on test questions.

Option to give pupils feedback on tests Merged

I miss the opportunity to give my students feedback on short answers and open answers in the 'test' function. I can post an example answer, but I can not comment on what the students have answered correctly, just whether the student has "correct", "partial correct" or "not correct".
On all the other questions, you do not need the function, but on short answers and open answers it was very convenient.
I also want the function to read complete answers, give points and navigate to the next answer in the "Detailed results" view, so I don't have to go back and fourth for every single question.

  • Guest
  • Nov 16 2018
  • Planned
Country NO
Category Grading and assessment
  • Carrie Paulson commented
    March 28, 2020 18:34

    This is essentially the same as ITSL-I-387 which has a "planned" status.

  • Carrie Paulson commented
    March 28, 2020 18:31

    The main goal of assessment isn't a score--it's assessing where the student is in the learning process and giving feedback to help the student. I need to give feedback per question so that they student can understand what they did and fix their thinking.

  • Guest commented
    October 07, 2019 07:14

    "I miss the opportunity to give my students feedback on short answers and open answers in the 'test' function. I can post an example answer, but I can not comment on what the students have answered correctly, just whether the student has "correct", "partial correct" or "not correct"."

    I would like to have this option on all types of questions.

  • Guest commented
    September 29, 2019 15:24

    Am currently grading tests and it is so frustrating now being able to give feedback on written responses.  I’m trying to come back to itsLearning, but it’s hard to avoid using Google Classroom when it’s only about a score and not feedback 🤷‍♀️ 

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