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Widening the Online Word task view

When adding an online Word task, the view on the site is very small. In order to see the whole content of the document one has to shrink the view into 50 %. Thus, with a small screen e.g on laptop, online word documents are impractical to use. 
My idea is to widen the view so, that it would be easier to examine the whole document in an easier manner.

  • Katarina Ojala
  • Apr 25 2017
  • Released
Country FI
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    March 11, 2018 22:50

    “The near future” is approaching 😊 and if everything goes as planned a full screen mode for Office Online will be in the next release (17/3). Files that can be viewed or edited in Office Online, will then have the option to be opened in a fullscreen view.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    February 08, 2018 09:43

    We’re almost done, only testing end a bit of tweaking remains. Always hard to estimate dates, and I prefer to rather be safe than sorry 😉 so I’ll stick to what I wrote in January: “in the near future” 😊

  • Guest commented
    February 08, 2018 08:46


    Could you please give us delays about this deliverable.

    Currently, Office on line across across It's Learning is not usable...

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    January 17, 2018 12:45

    Hi, I’m happy to tell you that we’re working on a full screen mode for Office Online :-). We’re currently in the design phase, so it’s a bit early to say when we’ll have it ready for release – but it should be safe to say that it’s in the near future.  

  • Guest commented
    December 15, 2017 14:11

    And Excel too, of course!

  • Katarina Ojala commented
    June 12, 2017 10:20

    Thank you Henning for your reply!

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    June 12, 2017 08:44

    Hi, we've already provided a better user experience for viewing resources in the student plan viewer. We've would like to extend this work to other parts of the platform by making it possible to edit resources in full screen.

    No doubt that Office Online would benefit from a full screen mode, but we will not manage to develop support for this before back to school this year. We’re always listening to, and evaluating user feedback, and a full screen mode for Office Online is absolutely on our radar.

    Please note that Office Online (i.e. the possibility to create office documents inside itslearning without having an office account or license) is still in it's pilot phase. We're planning on ending the pilot in a few weeks, and then all customers will have the option of turning it on for their users. 

  • Thomas Nawrath commented
    June 07, 2017 17:49

    Absolutely necessary for acceptance in every day use.

  • +1