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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-592 Widening the Online Word task view.

Office 365 enlarge button Merged

FR - Plein écran pour les webapps OFFICE 365 comme le bouton AGRANDIR pour une remarque

EN - To have full screen options for OFFICE 365 webapps as ENLARGE button for a remark

  • Jean-Baptiste Lesaulnier
  • Apr 10 2017
  • Released
Country FR
Category Content creation and management
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    December 11, 2017 22:17

    Hi Jean-Baptiste Lesaulnier,

    For back to school this year we enhanced our Office 365 integrations and added the possibility to create Office Online documents without the need for an Office license. We’ll continue to embrace O365 and Google next year, starting in the assignment tool. A full screen edit mode is available today when e.g. creating a collaboration using O365 in the Task tool. However, it’s not available when you create Office Online files (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) from inside itslearning, this is something we have on our to do list for next spring. Please stay tuned – I’ll get back to you when I know more.

  • Björn Bauer commented
    August 15, 2017 12:46

    Yes, indeed!

  • Thomas Nawrath commented
    June 07, 2017 17:49

    We need this asap.

  • +1