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Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.

  1. As we review all ideas it may take some time before they appear. Unfortunately we cannot comment on all ideas.
  2. Please search for your idea first and vote for it! Do not create new suggestions if they already exist. It reduces your influence.
  3. Unclear or inappropriate suggestions are removed. We may combine your ideas with similar ideas.
  4. We only use the information you share for the purposes of improving itslearning. We want to keep the ideas portal dynamic and relevant, to do this we remove older suggestions.
    • Ideas that have no public engagement after three years, that were not selected for development, are removed.
    • Ideas older than three years and not selected for implementation are removed.
    • Ideas can be resubmitted at any time.

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Help Features in it's Learning

Dans certaines applications, quand on paramètre une activité, on a un petit point d'interrogation à côté de chacune des options pour expliquer brièvement en quoi ça consiste et éventuellement pointer vers une aide plus détaillée. C'est très pratique, on gagne un temps fou.

Serait-il possible d'avoir la même chose dans it's learning (e-primo) ?
Parce que c'est un peu le parcours du combattant pour retrouver des explications dans l'aide en ligne.

Voir capture d'écran ci-dessous


In some applications, when you set an activity, you have a small question mark next to each option to briefly explain what it is and eventually point to more detailed help. It's very practical, it saves a lot of time.

Would it be possible to have the same thing in it's learning (e-primo)?
Because it's a bit of the fighter's journey to find explanations in the online help.

Please, see screenshot below

Thank you,

  • Guest
  • Mar 29 2017
  • Planned
Country FR
Category Access and navigation
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  • Guest commented
    September 26, 2018 09:43

    Please help my … NO FIRST NAME IN MY PROFILE .

    MISTER .

  • Christian Butteau commented
    March 30, 2017 13:10

    Très bonne idée qui faciliterait l'appropriation de l'outil.

  • Guest commented
    March 30, 2017 09:37

    Je suis d'accord également...Eprimo reste une usine à gaz.

  • Ivan Martineau commented
    March 30, 2017 08:58

    Je suis d'accord