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Please fix the new test tool! (Better manual assessment)

Whereas the new test tool have some advantages over the old one, I find it very time consuming when evaluating the tests. Please consider these changes:

  1. When I'm manually giving points to an answer, I don't always remember how many points I set as possible for the question. To see how many points I'm allowed to give, I have to put in a high number, so I can get a warning saying how many points I'm actually allowed to give. So it would be nice if the points box could show i.e. "0 of 3" before I put the marker in the cell.

  2. When I'm finished with one student, there is no button for "next student", so I have to go back to the overview, and then choose the next student to evaluate. So a "next student/answer"-button would be highly effective.

  3. I would really much like if I could choose to correct the tests by questions instead of students.

  • Gunnhild Bae-Pettersen
  • Oct 28 2021
  • Released
Country NO
Category Grading and assessment
  • Attach files
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    • Gunnhild Bae-Pettersen commented
      October 28, 2022 08:12

      Great that this is now in place. Would love it if it was possible to navigate to next question/student at the bottom as well, so you don't have to scroll up again when you've reached the bottom.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      October 28, 2022 07:58

      With the latest release, all these aspects should be covered. You can see how many points you can give, you will be able to easily navigate to the next student, and you can assess by questions.

      The itslearning Product team

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 17, 2021 09:54


      The assessment workflow, in particular for manual assessment, is something we are looking into right now. We are working on a prototype at the moment, and hopefully this will lead to great improvements in this area over the next months!

      The itslearning Product team