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Bring Back all the Great Test features! NOW!

As much needed the new software for the test tool might have been, I have great difficulty getting my head around the fact that there are so many great features are missing. MAYBE (!) it's a matter of programming or security. But compared to the old version this new version feels rather rudimentary.
To be precise:

one feature I miss most ist the option, to put a lot of questions into one category and have the test itself choose questions randomly for the students so they'd get different questions of the same kind or level each time they retake the test.
Why on earth would you not include this?

They same goes for implementing audio or pictures into a multiple choice test.

and there's more as the entries here clearly show.

It is really great, that you can do the test on mobile devices now. But if the test features are this limited, why bother?

  • Björn Lewin
  • Nov 14 2021
  • Released
Country DE
Category Grading and assessment
  • Attach files
  • Søren Sten Hansen commented
    19 Nov, 2021 03:10pm

    I really appreciate that itslearning cares about accessibility, but itslearning should recognize that it is the customer's responsibility. There is not a "one size fit all" solution here.

    Accessibility should be a feature you can adjust according to who your students are i.e. your target group.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    17 Nov, 2021 08:58am


    Thanks for your input. The categories are there, the tab is just hidden when you first create the test. We will look into the workflow and update the design here later on, but prioritised to get the functionality out.

    Audio and video in answer alternatives is a much bigger challenge, as we need to restrict what is available for accessibility reasons. We are planning to bring those in as options further down the road.

    The itslearning Product team