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We have come across several scenarios where our teachers would have liked to alter a grade in the gradebook but can't. If a teacher accidentally has the wrong answer selected, a student adds a space to a fill-in-the-blank question, or the student does the assignment paper/pencil or in an alternative way, then we have no way of giving them a grade or manually correcting their score in the gradebook.
Country | US |
Category | Grading and assessment |
It is possible to override the final grade in the assessment record (gradebook) for the new test tool, and has been for a couple of years now. We still have not made it possible to override the automatic score for a specific question/student.
The itslearning Product team
VERY disappointing that this hasn't been implemented yet. How difficult can it be?
Disappointed that if the mistake is caught even after one student takes the assignment the incorrect choice cannot be changed to update the grades. Student will always see the wrong score and correct answer as incorrect. The only option is to delete the whole test/assignment.
Disappointed that this feature was requested 3 plus years ago and is still not in itslearning. It certainly is a feature in BlackBoard. This is a good reason to stick to more traditional forms of assessment, namely using pencil and paper.
Michele, the rumor is quite right :-)
Changing of scores for tests in the gradebook is work in progress. We can support it in the gradebook when the new Test tool has been released (the two are of course connected). Changing the total score/grade on a test is not coming in the first version. First out is manual assessed questions, then we are adding changing score on all question types. Then we will consider change of total score. Please note that work in progress is always subject to change.
I've heard rumors that this in the works. Could someone from itslearning verify that?
This is the #1 Itslearning complaint I've heard from teachers at my school over the last 4 years.
In addition to times when a question is wrong and a teacher needs to correct it, manual override of test grades would enable our teachers to:
Currently, our teachers' only option is to replace the whole test column with a "Custom Assessment" and re-enter all the grades, which is a tedious process and prone to error.