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Progress tracker for learning path

Students have indicated that they would like to be able to gauge their remainig workload in a learning path. They suggested a simple feature displayed on the page showing that they are at step x (their current progress in learning path) of y (amount of total steps in learning path).

Even better would be if they, besides this, could also see an overview of the learning path so they know what the % distribution of information, tests and assignments are in a learning path. This way they could more accurately predict the time they still have to spend working in a learning path and would allow them to plan accordingly.

Personally I totally understand this desire and it would benefit their planning skill and ability to work on the learningpath by themselves.

I understand this might not be possible when working in a learning path to add gatekeeping or exit tickets, but for learning paths that require students to work through every step, it might be a handy option to be able to have an 'on or off' option on as a teacher.

  • Guest
  • Apr 14 2020
  • Released
Country NL
Category Scheduling & planning
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    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      June 02, 2022 14:26

      Progress on a learning path can be checked in the 360 report.

    • Lisa Goik commented
      February 20, 2021 17:17

      Still relevant!

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      April 14, 2020 10:42

      Hi. Thanks for the idea. We will share it with the relevant team. The idea will stay on the ideas portal to see if it gets ‘upvotes’. This helps us understand which ideas are most popular.