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Add a "free drawing" feature to the rich text editor for students to diagram an answer.

I want students to be able to free hand draw a diagram such as a number line or fraction without having to use the equation editor. My current work around is using another app to have them create a drawing then uploading the image. I wish a drawing feature could live in itslearning just like audio and video feedback. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 16 2015
  • Future consideration
Category Grading and assessment
  • Aug 5, 2016

    Admin response


    Thanks for sharing this. This is a request that we hear from time to time, and we’ve discussed if we should develop a drawing tool for itslearning. So far, we have decided to rather have good support for 3th party tools/apps through LTI integration (in itslearning go to activities and LTI tool). You can read more here:

    Can you please tell us a bit about the context/work flow where you would use a drawing tool. E.g. should it be part of an assignment tool, should it facilitate collaborate drawing, should it be for young or old students, etc.


    Thanks for more info. I’ll feed this into the discussions we have regarding the new test tool that is being developed. You can follow future deliveries on the roadmap (we update it approx. once a month):

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    • Guest commented
      November 21, 2016 09:26

      I also have use for drawing in tests. Currently I provide writing-paper with the ITS-test to allow students to answer drawing-questions. When marking I add points from drawing directly into points-cell in ITS. Conducting electronic ITS-tests with analouge paper also solves two additional problems which are also described in other posts here: 1) I can write the student's grade on the paper wihtout opening the test (today you cannot let student read his grade without opening the whole test). This reduces chance of cheating. 2) I can comment students answers (clearing up misunderstandings, etc...) on the paper. This is currently not possible on ITS tests.

    • Guest commented
      August 04, 2016 14:40

      My main use would be for testing learningopjectives. For example the student answers a question by drawing a sketch directly in the test tool. 


      Colours and freehand drawing would be relevant functionality. Drawing on top of an excisting image would alsobe very useful (drawing greenhouse-radiation in a preuploaded  image of Earth for example)

    • Dawn Bick commented
      June 24, 2016 14:44

      This would be great for younger students to be able to draw a picture as an answer.

    • Guest commented
      April 19, 2016 12:37

      I also have need for this in my tests. Currently I hand out a sheet of paper for each student. In certain questions, the student is asked to make a drawing on the paper. When I mark the answers, points from the drawing is written directly into the test-score.

      Drawing in the rich text-field would be a nice feature, eliminating the need for physical paper.

    • +108