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Corrections on Test Answer key

Every now and then we make a mistake on a test or on its answer key. I would like the option to correct the mistake on the answer key and then have a button I can push that will regrade the test submissions with the corrected key.

  • Stacy Bode
  • Apr 13 2016
  • Planned
Country US
Category Grading and assessment
  • Jun 7, 2016

    Admin response


    Thanks for your feedback. This will be fixed in the new mobile friendly shareable test tool we are working on. Please follow progress, timeline and status on our roadmap

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    • Matt Aubin commented
      November 09, 2022 10:54

      Has there been an update for the mobile shareable test tool mentioned by the admin? As of this posting this feature doesn't seem to exist and the roadmap link above brings us to the itslearning global homepage.

    • Guest commented
      May 02, 2021 17:43

      This feature is greatly needed

    • George Adams commented
      October 01, 2020 16:49

      Are we still waiting for this important improvement? Can we please get an admin response?

    • Cecilia Nix commented
      September 18, 2020 15:24

      Four years later and still no fix?! Extremely frustrating!

    • Jeannin Crowe commented
      September 03, 2020 14:23

      Any progress on making this happen?????

    • Carrie Paulson commented
      April 02, 2020 18:14

      Four years and this hasn't been added to the platform. FOUR YEARS!!!!!

    • Guest commented
      September 13, 2018 03:29

      I'm wondering too, I hate that I have to throw out a whole test if I've made a mistake in the answer key.

    • Brent Barge commented
      March 14, 2018 16:54

      Is there any update as to whether this was implemented? I am still not able to find out how to do this on the desktop or mobile versions.

    • Guest commented
      April 25, 2016 08:44

      I songly vouch for this propsition. An erroneous question is a nightmare for the teacher, and discourage production of new tests. Mistakes by the teacher gives students non-consistent scores and grades. As these are non-editable on the "Status og Oppfølgning" page (don't know the english name), a separate grading-ledger must be kept manually. This represent considerable extra-work. We have the alternative option to deactivate the question. But this is unfair to the students which get the question right despite mistakes.

    • +1