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I hate "File from your Web files"

This is awful.  So difficult to keep organized and if you delete a file it disappears from the course.  Awful, awful, awful.

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2016
  • Planned
Country DE
Category Content creation and management
  • Mar 2, 2016

    Admin response


    Please let me try to ease this “hate” ;-) by telling you that we are working on making it easier to handle files in itslearning. Please read more on the roadmap in the Files stream.


    Best regards,


    Product Manager

  • Attach files
  • Mark Schiedon commented
    June 08, 2020 09:55

    Hi Henning, any news on this?

  • Birger Eriksson commented
    September 13, 2016 12:21

    Sorting and searching web files would be good! If I upload a file I need to find it in a smooth and easy way.

  • Mehmet Akhoroz commented
    July 22, 2016 06:51

    For example, when any privileged user of the course leaves the institution who also have the dependent course files in his/her web files, what do we need to do not to loose anything in course content? How do we protect files and/or folders from being deleted?

    Maybe, there should be a way to have web space for all users’ files at the administrative side...

  • Guest commented
    April 19, 2016 09:02

    When making a screenshot or downloading a file from the internet, the filename is usually arbitrary, and difficult if not imposible to remember. I have now 718 pictures in my webfiles (see screenshot) and reusing a picture is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack.

    Ironically, if I re-use a picture, I would rather rename it and import it again to my wevfiles than spending minutes searching for it in webfiles. If the rationale for the webfiles-design is to save server-disk-space it is not working.

    A second problem with webfiles is the time and number of clicks needed to insert a picture. The simple "drag file here" box used in the "Ad file" menu for folders, for exmaple" would be a much more user-friendly and fast way to insert a picture in a test, for example. It would also be great to simply insert the link to an image. Paste image into test-question, for example, would be perhaps the best and easiest option of all.

  • Guest commented
    March 02, 2016 12:58

    I agree with all these postings. Maybe, there's a reason behind the change, but I don't see the point. More work, confusing...I don't see any benefit.

  • B Pinchbeck commented
    March 02, 2016 12:12

    I agree.  The old way was soooo easy to add files.  I do not understand why it was changed.  This new way adds so many extra steps and seems pointless.  It is no longer easy to add a file.  What is the reasoning and.....Can the old option be reinstated?

  • Guest commented
    March 02, 2016 11:49


    The hate will not be eased until there is a solution.  In the meantime (until you have a solution), can you please, please, please, please, put the previous option up beside the new option so that users can have the option to continue as they were doing before?

    In addition, the delete is a big problem.  You try to tidy up files and they disappear from your pages.  In the next update this should also be addressed.

  • Jennifer Holmes commented
    February 26, 2016 18:50

    I agree, it is confusing for users.  Clicking the file icon in a content block should go right to browse on the computer.  Add to web files is an additional step that is confusing and not useful.