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Auto-reply in messaging tool

It would be a great feature if the messaging tool could be upgraded with an auto-reply-feature. This would be a great help for teachers and staff when off on vacation and if a specific user only wants to send messages but do not want to answer - like noreply-messages from administrative staff etc.

  • Lasse Højer-Pedersen
  • Feb 27 2018
Country DK
Category Messages and notifications
  • Attach files
  • Maarit Vähäkangas commented
    August 25, 2022 08:55

    Our teachers would also need this, a possibility to add an auto-reply text. We have run into this problem for instance when a teacher is on a longer leave, maternity leave or vacation, and students write messages through itslearning on previous courses and don't get an answer as the teacher is on a leave.

  • Preben Pedersen commented
    May 23, 2019 07:35

    This is something we would greatly benefit from aswell.

    Would also help to prevent students from getting frustrated over not getting an answer within a reasonable timeframe.

  • Gustav Bronelius commented
    October 05, 2018 13:19

    I only work part time and this would make it way easier for the students to understand when I can be expected to answer or not

  • Guest commented
    April 11, 2018 09:32

    I do agree.