Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.
EN-I would like to create a classroom blog not an individual one.
FR-Je souhaiterais créer un blog de classe et non individuel.
Country | FR |
Category | Content creation and management |
Thanks for sharing this. This is a request that we get from time to time, but the reasons and needs tend to vary. Therefore, can you please add a bit more description, e.g. should the blog be for students, teachers or both? Who should be able to comment and post, both students and teachers? Should it be available for parents? Should it be collaborative project tool, or an information channel from teacher(s) to students? Etc..
Hi Vincent,
Thanks for more info.
You are right; we are not far away from a classroom blog.
We are in a good flow with updating the look and feel of itslearning, and eventually the turn must come to ePortifolio & blog. However, for now I cannot promise anything. If we are going to change ePortifolio/blog, we should build something brand new. I know this as been up for debate, but so far, we have chosen to focus on other aspect of the platform (like new messaging system, stream, new design, new library, etc).
Hi, we will enhance the ePortfolio functionality in itslearning. We’re starting to plan this work early next year, but if it will contain a classroom blog is too early to say. A classroom blog could also be part of a future group concept we’ve been working on. I’ll make sure your idea is evaluated, I’ll get back to you when I know more.
EN - Hi, a classroom blog allows students and teachers to post and comment in a collaborative way. Posts are moderated prior publishing. It should be available outside itslearning with or without a password. We are not so far from the actual blog in itslearning.
FR - Bonjour, un blog de classe permet aux élèves et enseignants de poster et de commenter d'une manière collaborative. Les posts sont modérable avant publication. Il est accessible en dehors d'itslearning avec ou sans mot de passe. Nous ne sommes pas loin du blog actuel dans itslearning.