Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.
Two teachers at our school wish Follow-up tasks that display under each course, under the course tab to display a unified count for all teachers in the course instead of for each teacher individually.
Like for example if Teacher 1 goes into an assignment and give all the students grades and feedback, the Follow-up task should also be removed for Teacher 2.
Right now Teacher 2 have to open each assignment for the Follow-up task count to be removed, even though Teacher 1 have already graded the students.
As is, it acts more like a group chat where every teacher need to look at the chat for the unread messages to disappear from their feed. They would like to get a more live update of what tasks still need to be looked at and have that number update for all teachers as they grade assignments.
Kind regards
Dennis Berling
Adult education
Norrköping, Sweden
Country | SE |
Category | Messages and notifications |
Hi. I am sorry you are having problems. This is not how it should work, teacher 2 should not have to open an already assessed assignment, this is not how it is designed. Please reach out to itslearning support, they can can get more help for you and your school.
Many thanks, the Product Team.