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Latest submission overview

Having av overview of the latest submisson from all students would be immensely helpful. Perhaps on the Your Students tab? So that the latest submission dates can be sorted the same way latest login can?

Checking the date of latest submission is regularly needed for administrative purposes.

At the moment, the only way to access latest submissions is to manually access every course and then each and every assignment.

EDIT: This is marked as already existing, but is not available on the platform. Could someone point me to it, if it already exists, please?

  • Guest
  • Apr 29 2024
  • Future consideration
Country SE
Category Administration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    22 Jul 14:10

    Thank you for the reply!

    In a recent update there was a column added on the students tab showing the number of assignments submitted (for each student). If this data can be fetched outside of courses, shouldn't the latest submission date also be available outside of the course framework?

    Do you have any guidance on the data warehouse and how to connect? Is it specifically possible to get av overview of latest submission dates in an advanced report or through APIs?

    Fr�n: itslearning <>
    Datum: m�ndag, 8 juli 2024 13:41
    Till: Elisabeth Stenudd
    �mne: Product Team responded to idea ITSL-I-5651 Latest submission overview
    Du f�r inte e-post ofta fr�n Se varf�r det h�r �r viktigt.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    08 Jul 11:39

    New comment after edit: I see you have now specified "from ALL students" - which is different. So I have changed this to Future consideration, even though this is currently not something we have discussed.

    We'll revisit this if it gets a lot of votes telling us it is a high need, but note that it will still be on a course level as this is where we build reports inside itslearning. For administrative reports we recommend using our Advanced reports, alternatively connecting to the Data warehouse and creating your own external reports based on the information from our APIs.

    The itslearning product team.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    18 Jun 07:40

    Thanks for your input

    This feature is available in the profile card > activity for each student.

    The itslearning Product Team