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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-2412 Test categories in order, questions jumbled.

control test questions order Merged

Test sorusu hazırlamak tam bir işkence. Hazırladığın bir önceki soruyu görüntülemek neredeyse imkansız. Şıklarda alt satıra geçilmiyor, oysa bazı soruların şıkları alt alta ifadeler olmak zorunda olabiliyor. Kategoriler kısmında ilgili kategorilerin tamamı ya da belli bir kısmı sınava dahil edilirse öğrencinin olası puanı verilmeli ki emin olalım. Soruların öğrencilere sunumunun nasıl olduğunu biz seçmeliyiz. Tamamen rastgele mi olacak yoksa kategorinin sırasına ya da sort edilmiş olma biçimine göre mi, bunu bilmek gerekir. Sonra test bitiminde bir soru yanlış girilmişse düzeltilebilmeli. Geçenlerde bir şıkkı yanlış işaretlediğimi fark ettim, tek tek Excelden düzelttim ilgili soruyu, saçmalık. Hesaplama da soru iptali de tekrar yapılabilir pekala.

Preparing test questions is a complete torture. It is almost impossible to view the previous question you prepared. The options do not include the following lines, whereas the options of some questions may have to be statements one under the other. If all or a certain part of the relevant categories are included in the exam in the categories section, the student's possible score should be given so that we can be sure. We must choose how the questions are presented to students. It is necessary to know whether it will be completely random or based on the order of the category or the way it is sorted. Then, if a question was entered incorrectly at the end of the test, it should be corrected. Recently, I realized that I had marked an option incorrectly, I corrected the relevant question one by one in Excel, it's nonsense. Calculation and question cancellation can be done again.

  • Guest
  • Dec 4 2023
  • Future consideration
Country OTHER
Category Other
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    January 11, 2024 14:10

    Thanks for your input. I have merged it to a similar idea.

    In general, you can control a lot of the order by using categories, please check our help pages here:

    We also have work planned to allow you to override the automatic score when assessing student attempts, and by using customised scores for multiple choice you can award points for answers that are set up to be wrong, so you should be able to fix your mistakes that way.

    The itslearning product team