Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.
Tilmelding af rum
Når man fremsøger via 'tilmeld dig rum'* er standardindstillingen at søge på 'Alle' i stedet for 'Synlige rum'. Det forvirrer dagligt (mindst) en underviser, som derfor tilmelder sig et inaktivt rum.
When searching via 'register rooms'* the default setting is to search 'All' instead of 'Visible rooms'. It confuses (at least) one teacher daily, who therefore registers for an inactive room.
Country | DK |
Category | Administration |
Thank you for your input.
Making improvements to the room/equipment booking is not currently planned. We'll leave this open for voting so we can understand the impact and need.
Best regards,
The itslearning Product team