Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.
Favoritensymbol; Nachrichten markieren
es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn es Funktionen gäbe wie zum Beispiel:
Einen Post, den man gelesen hat, z.B. über Klicken eines Herzsymbols unter Favoriten zu speichern
gelesene Nachrichten als ungelesen zu markieren, damit sie nicht „verloren“ gehen
it would be very helpful if there were functions such as:
Saving a post that you have read, e.g. by clicking on a heart symbol under favorites
mark read messages as unread so they don't get "lost".
Country | DE |
Category | Other |
Hi, thanks for your comment. It is possible to mark a message as a favourite if you click the star next to the date. See attached file.
the itslearning Product team