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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-3600 Rich Text Editor for Individual Learning Plans.

Please put in the editor in all places where you can add text! ESPECIALLY in the Individual Learning Plan! Merged

- So that you can add more than just text....for instance links, adding files, pictures, video etc. In the Individual Learning Plan I'd like to add link and tables. I have to do this in excel first and them add them, but the cells do not follow. I cannot add links or files either in a field. I can add files outside the fields in the bottom of the page of the ILP, but only from my computer, but here I am also really missing the editor to for instance the use of LTI items or add links to Panopto videos. I am also missing the editor other places in itslearning. How come there is this inconsistencies? It is a very poor text only-field that is available in the ILP. So, please put in the editor (WITH the LTI integrations working all places where the editor is!) in all text fields throughout itslearning functionality.

  • Guest
  • Nov 18 2022
  • Not selected for implementation
Country DK
Category Other