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Possibility of searching by username and not by First or Last name

In some wizards it's not an option to search by username, only by the first name of last name. I really miss this!

  • Elly Kort
  • Nov 30 2016
  • Future consideration
Country NL
Category Access and navigation
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    • Lise Petersen commented
      April 23, 2021 08:08

      This is still a very important need. At SDU, a University with +30.000 students, we have lots of duplicate names. We need that every user is able to search by username, everywhere the search function is available to them.

    • Elly Kort commented
      December 01, 2016 16:54

      Usernames are unique, so if you try to find a person you will get lucky instantly, and don't have to scroll through lots of Dean's of David's ....First names and Last names are not unique in itslearning.

    • Guest commented
      December 01, 2016 16:03

      i agree. username is not available in the trash can when searching for deleted students, sometimes we have hundreds of students with the same name.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 30, 2016 16:08

      Hi Jan & Elly,

      Students with the same name can be separated with e.g. profile picture or by looking at the student card.

      When this is not an option you can ask your site admin (not local admin) to a have a look at an option called “Extra user-info” (Admin – Edit global setting – Features and security – Extra user information in lists). Site admin can set a set the default extra user info field to be e.g. username, student number, etc. (Admin -  Edit global setting – Layout – Custom user information)

      Site admin can decide which user roles that can see the extra user-info.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 30, 2016 15:02

      There are pros and cons of using username vs first name and last name. For several reasons we would like ordinary users to relate to what they know best, i.e. their name.

      Great if you can provide me with a couple of scenarios where it’s advantageous to search for username instead of first and last name.

    • Guest commented
      November 30, 2016 13:53

      Also we have some students with the same name:)

    • Elly Kort commented
      November 30, 2016 12:31

      I miss this because in every kind of system in the world you normally can search or select by username, but in itslearning you can't ! You only can select students in a by searching by First or Last name. In other parts of itslearning it is allright and you can search by username. But selecting students in for example a course is one of the places you can not search by username. Do you understand my problem?

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 30, 2016 11:49

      Hi Elly,

      Can you please tell us why you miss this?