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Please share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence! We consider all ideas when planning future work. Please write in English. For support, please contact your school/organization.

  1. As we review all ideas it may take some time before they appear. Unfortunately we cannot comment on all ideas.
  2. Please search for your idea first and vote for it! Do not create new suggestions if they already exist. It reduces your influence.
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  4. We only use the information you share for the purposes of improving itslearning. We want to keep the ideas portal dynamic and relevant, to do this we remove older suggestions.
    • Ideas that have no public engagement after three years, that were not selected for development, are removed.
    • Ideas older than three years and not selected for implementation are removed.
    • Ideas can be resubmitted at any time.

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Elternportal / Kommunikation


ich fände es super, wenn das Elternportal weiter ausgebaut werden würde. Z.B. wenn Dokumente hinterlegt werden könnten, die Eltern und Schule sehen könnte ob diese gelesen wurden und/ oder Rückmeldungen geben könnten.

I think it would be great if the parent portal were to be further expanded. For example, if documents could be stored that parents and school could see whether they have been read and/or could give feedback.

  • Guest
  • May 16 2022
  • Not selected for implementation
Country DE
Category Parent access and communication
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    30 May, 2022 11:18am


    Thanks for your input. We currently do not have plans to extend the parent functionality in our platform. I'm not entirely sure if you mean the parents would see if students saw those documents, or if the school would see if parents had seen them. In general we respect GDPR and try to be very careful about tracking actions and make those visible for others unless there is a good reason for doing so.

    We'll leave the idea open for voting to understand the need.

    The itslearning Product team