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Planner as startpage

Currently you cannot select planner as a start page and within this that you can directly jump to subjects, past, without date or present.

  • Guest
  • Feb 15 2022
  • Future consideration
Country NL
Category Access and navigation
  • Attach files
  • Mirjam Brockmann commented
    10 Jun, 2022 10:29am

    I support this idea because not all courses are for teaching, but for organising school life. E.g. for finding certain documents (forms, lists etc.) which I need and which are sorted into different plans, it would be much easier if you could see the plans immediately when opening the course.

    Of course you can open ressources and get your documents, but plans offer better overview compared to folders.

    So I would - for some courses - love to have as start page the list of themes with the plans they contain.

  • Søren Sten Hansen commented
    23 Mar, 2022 08:58pm

    You can make a page or a folder as a start page. Here you can also not see the announcement.

    There are different types of courses and for some it just makes sense to have plans as the front page. The same goes with folders or pages as the front page.

    It is a wish we would like to have fulfilled :-)

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    10 Mar, 2022 03:27pm

    Hi, thanks for your idea.
    There are some pros and cons with defining the planner as a starting page. Students will for instance not see announcement made by their teacher. We will however keep the suggestion on the ideas portal to see if it gets more ‘up votes’. This helps us understand which ideas are most popular.

    the itslearning Product team