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I want a more flexible use of national learning objects, criteria-based assessment and learning objects follow-up

As a teacher I want a more flexible criteria-based assessment and learning objects follow-up.

The Learning objects and critera based rubric are a great way to work with formative assessment for the students to understand learning goals.

The import of national LO is good, but it is far too limited for actually be of use tracking the students’ progress, except only in single assessments.

  1. I want to search for LO. Or if they could be matched direct to the course name / ID. This would save me a lot of time finding the right LO.

  2. I want the built-in learning objects easier to modify. I want to mark the criteria, split and adopt when they are imported. Still making it possible to follow-up using the LSO report. After splitting a criterion, the built in should be hidden and not used for follow-up.

This would make it possible to adopt the LO after what criteria that students actually work against.  Now, it is easier to use a matrix on paper instead of using the LMS.

  1. I want in the assessment using matrix criteria based assessment to mark on a single criterion what the students have reached, or not (even if using different grades). And the status of the criteria should be seen as:


  1. Not reached
  2. Partially reached
  3. Reached
  4. On your way to the next level


This would also be seen in the LO follow-up. 

This would actually make LO and criteria based matrix follow-up usable and easier to track students learning progress.


  1. Colours in status should be customizable as now, green is the highest grade and resembles that it is OK. Every other grades are fine as well I think. Colours should not reflect achievement in that manner.


  1. I want aggregated compilation of criteria-based rubrics as a matrix.

    In Swedish schools is criteria-based rubrics as a matrix widely used but teachers find that itslearning Learning object rapport does not support the way of visualising the progress for thier student.


If the learning object report would compile the criteria-based rubrics as an matrix it would support and ease the way for student to understand their learning goals.

  • Tobias Strindlund
  • Oct 20 2016
Country SE
Category Grading and assessment
  • Attach files
  • Mark Teunissen commented
    June 16, 2021 08:35

    Having the option to search for particular learning objectives would definitely make the use of rubrics much more workable.