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Since a while, we don’t have notifications anymore on iphones, when we receive a message in ITS.
I mean the red bullet that appears on the app’s icon. And it’s not about parameters on the phone because we’ve tested everything 😕

It shows a short message on the background, yes, but ineffective if the phone is locked (if many other notifications, we can’t see ITS notification).

  • Guest
  • Dec 11 2020
  • Future consideration
Country OTHER
Category Mobile app
  • Attach files
  • Alexander Nissen commented
    February 08, 2021 14:45

    I think the original decision makes sense, as we are constantly bombarded with tons of notifications and apps wanting our attention (which can be stressful to many), but I agree with the suggestion that it should still be possible.

    It think it should be up to each user which notifications and labels to turn on and off.

  • Guest commented
    December 11, 2020 16:29

    Thanks for the fast answer.

    And yes, you really should : now that we (and our students) have so many apps and notifications, we don’t check the apps if no badge ...


  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    December 11, 2020 13:23


    We're aware that the badge does not appear as expected for smart phone users. This was a conscious decision some years ago, but one we should clearly revisit in future improvements.

    The itslearning Product Team