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Deeper H5P-Integration with LTI-like result transfer

I know that since September 2019 it is possible to add H5P-Content to itslearning (see old request here). However, LTI access to to be able to transfer student results to itslearning would mean a hefty monthly/yearly price as well as problems with regards to GDPR.

Would it be possible for itslearning to create a plugin to allow H5P content creation from within itslearning as well as viewing test results for each student. Are there any plans for a closer integration of H5P into itslearning? In my opinion, tests could be hugely improved by adding full H5P support including transfer of results into Itslearning. The huge amount of content types in H5P is far superior to itslearning's test module.

I can see two ways to achieve this:

  1. Introduce a partnership with H5P SaaS, the commercialized service for H5P.

  2. Build an itslearning plugin, where students get a copy of a test (similar to MS Offices files as parts of assessments) and then grabbing the test result from the test itself. Using external hosting for this would be no problem for anyone hosting a Wordpress/Drupal instance and H5P themselves will soon open their OER-HUB for H5P. By using copies of tests from within itslearning, there shouldn't be any GDPR related issues because no data needs to be transferred to

I would love to hear your ideas on that.

  • Daniel R
  • Oct 28 2020
  • Future consideration
Country DE
Category Third-party tools and apps
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    • Daniel R commented
      November 06, 2020 15:47

      What I would like to recommend is a H5P-plugin. Moodle for instance offers creation of H5P content together with a transfer of results from within a Moodle instance. Wouldn't that be technically possible for itslearning as well?

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 06, 2020 14:16

      It would be compliant if you sign a DPA with or host an instance of within your organisation. We do not have place to host it ourselves.


      the itslearning Product team

    • Daniel R commented
      November 05, 2020 15:28

      Thank you vor considering my idea. However, using and tranfering LTI grades is not in compliance with GDPR. So an internal process of creation and processing of results of H5P content within itslearning would be ideal.

    • Admin
      Product Team commented
      November 05, 2020 15:24

      Thank you for your idea.

      Grade pass back for LTI like H5P is something we are considering for the future, but we do not have a timeline yet.


      the itslearning Product team