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Resizing images in rich text content

The abiloty to resize an image in a content box/note would be beneficial to everyone. A lot of my colleagues are would struggle to resize images before uploading (through paint/photoshop) and it is not always clear which size/resolution is needed until you have uploaded the image

  • Guest
  • Aug 4 2016
  • Released
Country UK
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    6 Jul, 2018 01:48pm

    Not long ago we made it possible to resize images inserted into the rich-text editor simply by dragging the image. This has worked in some browsers before, but now it also works in Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Edge.

    All of you picture perfectionists can now enter a specific width and height of an image from the ‘Image properties’ dialogue in the rich-text editor. This will size your picture exactly as you want it. To see the ‘Image properties’, simply right click an image in the editor. Remember that you can also drag the corners or sides of the image to resize it.

  • Olivier Magnière commented
    23 Feb, 2018 01:00pm


  • Aline Derennes commented
    6 Feb, 2018 10:19am

    Would be nice to have a native tool allowing you to resize the pictures, no matter what browser you are using.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    8 Dec, 2017 02:56pm

    Hi, it’s possible to resize an image from the Source section in the rich-text-editor. Possible, but not that user friendly. We have several things that we want to enhance in the rich-text-editor and this is definitely on the list.

  • Arnaud LESELLIER commented
    8 Dec, 2017 11:22am

    Yes of cource. May you add field to adapt height and width when we post a picture.

  • Rebekah Cveykus commented
    30 Nov, 2017 02:11pm

    When using firefox to resize an image all it does is stretch it out.  It needs to keep the resolution for larger images.  My diagram images are either too small or too pixelated to see.

  • Henrik Richard Jensen commented
    28 Apr, 2017 09:03am

    The ability to resize a Picture imported to the HTML editor (notes/pages) is a fundamental one! 

    Every HTML editor I know from other LMS systems have such a resize feature through "Drag'n rezize" or dialog input.

  • Michele Eaton commented
    14 Feb, 2017 05:59pm

    No idea, but that has been the case in every LMS I've used. 

  • Melissa Piette commented
    8 Feb, 2017 06:24pm

    I just tried resizing in Firefox too.  Thanks for the tip, it works.  Any ideas why it doesn't work in Chrome? 

  • Michele Eaton commented
    15 Aug, 2016 01:39pm

    You can do this in Firefox I've found, but it would be so nice to be able to do in Chrome too.  I see this in other applications though, too.  Not sure what the difference is that allows it in one browser but not the other..