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Search students with alphabet rather than page number.

When searching through a high number of learners we currently have to go page by page to find the learner but if we could just jump to the first letter of the learners name it would be much faster and easier. Just like in the address book on your mobile phone.

  • Daniel Nuttall
  • Jun 20 2016
Country UK
Category Access and navigation
  • Attach files
  • preetika agnihotri commented
    August 27, 2022 07:18

    yes.... their should be an feature to search with some filters like name, initials and other criteria to search the learners.

  • Guest commented
    February 12, 2019 12:56

    This would be a really useful function.

  • Jens de Vries commented
    November 27, 2018 14:16

    Please integrate this functionality as soon as possible! This makes live a lot of easier. We have some subjects with a lot of students, we have as school for example a general subject where students can apply them for a tests. We get very long lists with students and this is very clumsy.

  • Daniel Nuttall commented
    September 30, 2016 15:28

    Probably work well throughout the system as when adding resources to a planner there can be many to go through.

    Thanks for the support :-)

  • Keri Martinez commented
    September 14, 2016 09:06

    I agree with the original idea and Michele's idea. I'd also like to see this for images. I have quite a few images uploaded and it is very tedious to have to navigate a couple of pages at a time to find the image I want. If I could see all of my images at once (which is probably not the best solution) or be able to go directly to a particular letter for the file name, that would help.

  • Michele Eaton commented
    August 16, 2016 14:59

    I'd like to see this for Courses too. It's selfish, but being an admin of the system and having approximately 1.3 gazillion courses, guessing page numbers is tedious.  ;-)