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Password protected assessments

1. Asynchronous online courses. We have several online courses where students are going through the course at different paces. Setting permission times for assignments are unmanageable because some of the courses (PE Waiver) have over 100 students. A password would allow the instructor to release the assessments when the individual student is ready by simply telling them the password.
2. Passwords protection will also help our secondary teachers that teach multiple sections. Our courses are set up so that if a teacher teaches 5 Biology I courses, they have one Biology I course in itslearning and each period is set up as a group. You can set up permissions and times, but it would be easier if the teacher just had a password.
  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2016
  • Released
  • Nov 27, 2019

    Admin response

    Hi, password protection for tests was released earlier this year (sorry for the late update).

    This should help districts better manage centralized tests/assessments when they’re pushing them out centrally using course templates. Of course, it can also be helpful for teachers when they’re adding test/assessments to a single course.

    How to use it:

    1. Add a password to a test in the security section of the settings. The setting is off by default. The alphanumeric password can be between 1 and 32 characters (A-Z, a-z and 0-9).

    2. The password setting and the password itself is retained when a test is copied or shared.

    3. When a student starts or re-attempts to take the test, a password prompt will appear.

    4. For time-limit tests, the countdown does not begin until the password is accepted.

    Please note that password protection for tests is only available for customers using Test 2.0, we will be adding it to the other versions of test next year. Please stay tuned, we’ll update our roadmap with more info before Xmas:

    You can also watch out for new releases here:

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  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    27 Nov, 2019 09:45pm

    Hi Michele, yes a couple of years later 😉 it’s here. Please see my Admin comment on top of the page. Sorry for keeping you all waiting, hopefully you’ve already started using password protected tests/assessments.

  • Michele Eaton commented
    14 Dec, 2016 04:13pm

    Any update on this? Last I heard this has been bumped up to planning...

  • Daniel Nuttall commented
    11 Apr, 2016 12:09pm

    I think that enabling different release times for groups is a must have in the VLE as a whole as many organisations are moving towards this model of online course to save on duplicating work for themselves.

  • Michele Eaton commented
    5 Jan, 2016 01:44pm

    Here are the ways that we use text password protection in Wayne Township:

    Achieve Virtual:
    One of the key reasons we were able to open up as a public virtual high school was our guarantee to proctor each final. This is our accountability piece. A student cannot pass a class without passing the face-to-face proctored final. It is the only time a student shows up in person. Our proctored finals happen all over the state. The finals are password protected so that students cannot access them until they show up to take a final. The proctors are given the passwords and simply enter it in whenever the student shows up for the test. The courses are self-paced, and students can be ready for the final at multiple times throughout the semester. They choose when they show up for the finals as well. The only current "solution" is to wait for a proctor to call and assign the final. However, that requires the teacher (who is working in a classroom) or our office staff to be available at any given moment. If a proctor were to call and we were not available or in a meeting, the student would be stuck without a final. Some students travel up to an hour for their final. Obviously this isn't really a solution. The only other solution is to leave it open, which jeopardizes our status as a state-accredited virtual school. This is CRUCIAL to our success. We begin classes this summer, and I am very worried about this detail.

    Blended Learning Programs:
    Our several blended learning programs around the district utilize online courses that are self-paced as well. In these environments, the teachers password protect many assignments. This allows the teacher to double check their work for each unit before allowing them to complete the tests. With hundreds of students in a multitude of courses all at different places within a course, this allows the teacher to have a better handle on student progress and helps them move through the course in a competency-based fashion.

    Traditional Classrooms:
    Many of our teachers have grown accustomed to using password protected assignments in their own classrooms. This allows them to prevent students who are absent or out of the room to open up assignments outside of the proctored testing environment. Students who open the assignment from home are easily identified when tests are password protected. It also allows a teacher to have assignments open in their course ahead of time without having to interupt instruction to activate tests.

    Hopefully that helps explain how important password protected assignments are to how we operate in an online and blended learning environment. It has come standard on all of the other LMSs that we have used in the past.