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One-click marking of open questions

Building on a previous idea, I would like to more efficiently mark all answers to a specific question. One way to do this is to display answers in a horizontal row. Each answer occupy one-third of the screen width. Long answers are read by scrolling down. Marks are given by clicking once on a vertical "point-ruler" situated beside the middle and active answer. When graded, all questions shift automatically one position to the left, so that middle and active answer is now the next student's answer. This design could save time and improve marking consistency and quality.

Example: Teacher click "array"-button to see answers from two first students to open question horizontally in a row. Teacher grades first answer by clicking once in the middle of a pointruler with values ranging from 1-6 (since max points for question is 6), assigning three points.  Immediately all answers scrolls one position to the left so that answers from student 1, 2, and 3 are shown wiht answer from student 2 in the active middle position. This repeats until answers to this question by all students are marked, then answers to next open question are displayed.

Background: Grading long open answers is presently cumbersome. In "Detaljert visning", teacher has to a) click answer, wait 1-2 seconds for page loading, b) read answer and memorize points, c) navigate back to list, d) scroll down again to question marked (if many questions), e) activate input field, f) use keyboard to assign points.

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  • May 7 2016
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Category Grading and assessment
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