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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ITSL-I-883 Ability to delete a complete 'Conversation' in 'Messages' at once..

Delete whole conversations Merged

(Hi Henning,)

I want to delete a whole conversation with students / colleagues and not only the messages from the students in group conversations or my own messages. This is not a possibility yet and doesn't already exists.  The only possibillity is to delete messages I send myself. That's not what we want. Hope you can add a function to delete everything. 

  • P. Schr.
  • Dec 3 2019
  • Future consideration
Country NL
Category Messages and notifications
  • Guest commented
    November 24, 2021 09:40

    This has been in review since March 2020 * maybe it could be given as an opportunity to select wether or not the chat is to be deleted to the main teacher, master of group, etc

  • Raphi commented
    November 15, 2021 19:09

    That Would be very nice

  • Björn Lewin commented
    October 18, 2021 11:40

    I think here the worrying about own data might go too far. Having conversations as proof could proove important!

  • mild0wl victim commented
    May 31, 2021 08:42

    how to delete

  • mild0wl victim commented
    May 31, 2021 08:41

    how to delete

  • Benoit R. commented
    April 27, 2021 10:17

    You should at least let users "archive" (vs. "delete") messages or conversations.

  • Heinrich Schneider commented
    March 25, 2021 18:11

    Furthermore, a lot of our students complain about getting a lot of spam messages by their peers. An option to silence or leave group conversations or in the worst case block (non-teacher) users would be very appreciated.

  • Brenny Kummer commented
    January 06, 2021 16:36

    This is a frequent request we have from staff in our district, especially given the volume of messages sent during virtual/distance learning. I understand the rationale behind keeping messages for a paper trail...if there was the ability to more easily move conversations into folders so that it doesn't look as overwhelming for the teacher, it would be amazing!

  • Guest commented
    December 12, 2020 08:29

    I completely agree, this SHOULD be included in the possibilities. At the primary school where I work, they like the send emoticons or curse words. Moreover, we can actually

    disable the chat between pupils, but when a conversation has begun it's impossible to prevent them from keeping on writing... this is really annoying .

  • Sascha Böddinghaus commented
    October 11, 2020 05:11

    Hi, this feature is necessary! Whenever I got a message from a student or colleague with a task for me I want to delete the whole chat when I am done. There are 500+ chats and I am not able to find the relevant ones for my work.

  • Guest commented
    May 10, 2020 20:43

    Why wait so long! Admin should be able to delete these messages, if some "bad" words have occured in the conversation.

    This tool is meant for communication and fast hand inn for students. Inn my world this means we should be able to delete. You could send deleted messages into " karantæne" for 30 days before it will be deleted for good!

  • Florian Kniedler commented
    May 04, 2020 12:54


    that is absolutly what we need and the admin should have the possibility to delete all messages which are older than for example one year.

    We do not want to pay for space, we cannot delete. All messages and attachments of deleted students are still in the space we have to pay for.

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    March 13, 2020 09:21

    We are looking at deletion of messages. We need to balance this with the need to have an audit trail in case schools/organisations need to see old messages. The issue is under review and we are looking to see how many upvotes it gets.

  • Guest commented
    December 04, 2019 14:04

    Ce n'est pas bien de priver les élèves de messages car certains en profites, c'est leur choix , par contre si les abus de messages continues que sanctions s ' en suivent . Mr Bidault 

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