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Daily Bell Work Question

My school is going to one to one technology. Currently, I have my students do pen and paper daily questions. With the new technology coming, I would love to have a daily question (bellringer) system so that my students will start the class period doing a review question on itslearning while insuring that all the students have logged onto their chromebooks. I'm having trouble finding a way to conveniently accomplish this. Creating a whole test/assignment each day for each class for a single a question sounds daunting. I utilize pages for all my classes, so they have one screen to look at to know what our day/unit looks like. Is there a way to create a daily question resource that can be viewed in pages?  Even better, scheduling questions to pop up each day?

  • Erin Just
  • Dec 4 2018
  • Already exists
Country US
Category Content creation and management
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    December 14, 2018 09:40

    Hi, if you use a poll you can’t see you what your student has voted or grade their votes.

    If you want to assess what your students answer you need to use a test, assignment or task. Sounds like a test is what you’re looking for 😊.

  • Erin Just commented
    December 12, 2018 13:35

    Will I be able to see who answers the poll question so that I can grade them? 

  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    December 12, 2018 12:51

    Hi, please try to add a 'Poll' to your daily class page :-) I think that might do the job.